Channel: ASMRMagic
Category: Entertainment
Tags: rhianna40 triggerstappingtascam triggersasmrmagicspritzing soundsamsrtapping and scratching asmrtascam tappingmic brushingno talking asmrwater soundsbinaural relaxationsleeptinglesasmr for people who can't get tinglesdeep ear soundsasmrarmscrinkle
Description: #notalkingasmr #tingles #ASMRMagic ✨ Hello! Tonight I'm back with 50 or so varied triggers with the Tascam mic to help you sleep, study and get some tingles ☺️ There's a mixture of new sounds, classic ASMR triggers, plus some old school magic such as sponge mic and the orbeez squishes etc. I hope you find this relaxing and tingly! Thank you for watching, love ~ Rhianna 🥰 xoxo 📍Timestamps: 00:00 - 05:23 - Preview for most of the sounds 05:24 - 05:56 - Tiny bit of Tascam tapping 05:57 - 09:48 - Fluffy sequin ear warmers, bassy scratches 09:49 - 14:49 - Iridescent cups, tapping, scratching, brushing 14:50 - 19:38 - Tinsel balls, unusual scratchy sounds 19:39 - 21:21 - Pink makeup sponges. Bassy/muffled mic touching 21:22 - 23:46 - Mascara wands on makeup sponges 23:47 - 24:48 - Vinyl sheet tapping 24:49 - 28:27 - Water spritzing vinyl sheet 28:28 - 32:46 - Nubby silicone sponge thing. I never know how to describe these sounds 😋 32:47 - 37:19 - Crunchy natural fibre sponges 37:20 - 41:53 - The magic crinkle candle 41:54 - 46:06 - Fake leather gloves. Tappy sounds, finger flutters, mic touching, fabric sounds 46:07 - 51:36 - Textured beaded handbag. Clicky scratchy sounds, tapping & brushing 51:37 - 56:35 - Crunchy & crackly charcoal bags 56:36 - 1:01:42 - Textured cake board. Scratching around your head & tapping 1:01:43 - 1:06:00 - Crinkly (and very old lol) German cookie 1:06:01 - 1:10:08 - Nubby orbeez squishes. Watery sounds 1:10:09 - 1:14:46 - Glitter pom poms 1:14:47 - 1:18:24 - Very crunchy vinyl heat pack 1:18:25 - 1:22:53 - Sponge mic squishing. Intense bassy sounds 1:22:54 - 1:25:18 - Sponge scratching with massage tool 1:25:19 - 1:29:30 - Fizzy sponge mic 1:29:31 - 1:33:52 - Crunchy bamboo whisk 1:33:53 - 1:36:18 - Glitter note book tapping, page sounds, crayon scratching 1:36:19 - 1:38:58 - Crayon writing/colouring sounds 1:38:59 - 1:43:03 - Sticky, crunchy slime 1:43:04 - 1:49:55 - Cotton touching & brushing on mic 1:49:56 - 1:54:40 - Metal beaded cabasa 1:54:41 - 1:59:06 - Textured heart pumice stone, scratchy sounds & some crinkles 1:59:07 - 2:05:22 - Fizzy foam soap & gloves 2:05:23 - 2:10:10 - Textured vinyl sheet. Scratching, brushing & tapping 2:10:11 - 2:15:32 - Pinecone scratching 2:15:33 - 2:19:55 - Wooden board, ridge scratching 2:19:56 - 2:24:42 - Crunchy kitty heat pack 2:24:43 - 2:29:02 - Fizzy packaging sounds 2:29:03 - 2:32:52 - Sticky floam sounds 2:32:53 - 2:37:15 - Glitter textured bag. Bassy scratching, tapping, brushing over mic 2:37:16 - 2:41:37 - Sand filled crunchy friendly gorilla 2:41:38 - 2:46:28 - Heart sponges. Intense scratches and squishing 2:46:29 - 2:50:55 - Natural cocoa pods. Scratching & some tapping 2:50:56 - 2:54:55 - Crinkly ball, gentle crinkles 2:54:56 - 2:58:41 - Velvet fabric gloves 2:58:42 - 3:03:46 - Sequin vinyl pouch. Tapping & crackling sounds 3:03:47 - 3:08:23 - Bead filled rubber balls, crunchy 3:08:24 - 3:12:34 - Latex gloves crinkling 3:12:35 - 3:16:31 - Hama beads 3:16:32 - 3:21:05 - Styrofoam filled sticky animals 3:21:05 - 3:25:40 - Fluffy brain massage 3:25:41 - 3:30:53 - Fluffy massage with rain 3:30:54 - End - Gentle rain on umbrella and birds chirping 📸 Instagram: 🎬 Previous Upload: (Whispers & Sounds) 🐦 Tweet Tweet: 💅 Nail polish - Coca Cola Red by OPI and the pink shade has no name 😐 💎 Amazon affiliate links if you wish to support my channel/the ASMR prop fund for free whilst shopping :) UK - US - ❤️ Love, ASMR Magic xoxo