Channel: TingleBelleASMR
Category: Entertainment
Tags: voiceplaymakeupgifthappytingleautonomousspeakingfemalecasesofttappingnaturalscratchingkindrelaxingpersonalgirleasylightwhisperingpresentaidsoftlylovenorolevideotalkinghotsleepingantisleeptingleshairdarkdepressantwhispersquietrelieftutorialrelationshipclosefunnyptsdrestrestingrelaxniceinsomnia3diosensorymeridianresponsewhisperattentionasmrquietly
Description: Hey everyone! I'd like to update everyone who has been asking that baby Corey is home and doing so so well! I hope that you enjoy this 3Dio Case Tapping & Scratching video. I've gotten some requests for no talking videos lately, so I thought I would oblige :) There is NO TALKING whatsoever in this video. If you prefer whispering in videos, check out my last close whispers video here: For business inquiries, please contact: PATREON FOR THOSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO DONATE TO MY CHANNEL AND RECEIVE REWARDS: PAYPAL for donations to receive awards ($5+) - Instagram: TingleBelleASMR What is ASMR and why am I whispering? GREAT question. Check it out here: I am NOT a health professional. The use of this video for relaxation purposes is not necessarily suggested by any medical professional and is simply for the enjoyment and relaxation of its viewers.