Channel: Señor Jordan
Category: Education
Tags: spanishspaingiving directionsespañoldistinctiondireccionessimpleespañaspanish languageelenaasking for directionsdirectionscollaborationin contextspanish accenttu escuela de españolmadridasking forrepetitivefunvallodolid
Description: Click CC for subtitles in the practice portion! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBSCRIBE for more Spanish videos: Follow me on Facebook: Tweet me: Check out my website: Check out my instagram: @senorjordanvideos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Learn to ask for and give directions in this simple video created by Elena from "tu escuela de español". This video was made as a collaboration between Señor Jordan's Spanish videos and "Tu escuela de español". If you like this video, consider checking out Elena's channel for other Spanish videos to help you learn! And like the video, comment and let us know what you thought of the collaboration!