Channel: Transdimensional
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: ash's team movie 20ash ketchum new styleash catches charmanderpokemonpokémon movie 20ash's new teamash and lugiapokemon sun and moonpokémon the movie: i choose you!movie 20 pokemonash's teamall of ash's pokemonash ketchumpokemon movie 21 trailerash’s team movie 21ash's team in the moviemovie 21 pokemonash ketchum pokemonpokémon movie 21lugia pokemon movie 21lugia pokemon movieash's alola teamlugia returnsash's charizard
Description: (This is a prediction, no trailer has been realized showing his new Pokemon) Welcome to my video about Ash's Team for the upcoming 21st Pokemon Movie coming out in 2018. I Believe that he will have Johto Pokemon because Lugia will have a feature and at the end of "Pokemon Movie 20: I Choose You" he was seen in Johto battling a Heracross. But keep in mind this is just a prediction. SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: Thanks everyone who is a part of my subscribers..It really means a lot and when I made this channel as a joke I never imagined getting all these subscribers so fast.. Its insane and thanks for everyone who is subscribed and will be subscribed in the future. THE “MY POKEMON TIMELINE” PLAYLIST: THE “ANIME CHARACTERS POKEMON TIMELINE” PLAYLIST: