Channel: The Groovy Guitar Dude
Category: Music
Tags: harry styles guitaras it was harry styles guitar tutorialas it was guitar chordsharry styles guitar lessonas it was harry styles guitar lessonas it was harry styles guitar coverharry styles guitar chordsas it was guitar lessonharry stylesas it was guitaras it was harry styles guitarharry styles as it washarry styles guitar tutorialas it was harry stylesas it was guitar tutorialas it was guitar coveras it wasas it was harry styles guitar chords
Description: As It Was by Harry Styles Guitar Tutorial // As It Was Guitar Lesson for Beginners! Cort Guitars - Cort Core PE Mahogany - Cort Gold OC6 - Guitar tutorial for As It Was Harry Styles! As It Was is a super fun jammy new song from Harry Styles and I am so stoked to share it with y'all :) All you will need to play As It Was on guitar are 4 beginner guitar chords (G, C, Am, and D; short chord tutorials in the pinned comment!), a picking pattern for the intro/outro/hook, and a strum pattern! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below :) 00:00 Preview Jam 00:06 Intro 00:28 Capo/Structure/Chords 01:29 Chords & Strum Pattern 02:28 Chords Playthrough 03:18 Picking 06:16 Picking Playthrough 06:44 Outro/Tips/Parting Thoughts Subscribe Here For Guitar and Ukulele Lessons Hit Up Instagram for Photos, Jams, & Requests Thanks for checking out my video! If you have any suggestions for a song in this style you would like to learn let me know and if you have any questions hit that comment section below! Thanks for watching! :) - Guitar Gear - My Main Guitar (Faith Bloodmoon Neptune) - My Breedlove Guitar (Breedlove Atlas Stage AC25/sr) - Strings I Use (Elixir Nanoweb HD Light 80/20) - Capo I Use (Dunlop Trigger Capo) - Picks I Use (Dunlop .73mm Max Grip Picks) - - Camera Gear - Camera I Use (Canon EOS RP) - Lens I Use (Sigma ART 24mm) - Microphone I Use (Deity D3 Pro) - Tripod I Use (Manfrotto PIXI Mini) -