Channel: Chelsea Williams
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: indieguruhow toalex gbeautyfavouriteschelsea diymixedrex orange countymusicplaylistdiystarry cattutorialaesthethicmac demarcomonthly musicrapprettyartblackalternativeattic abasementfrankie cosmosundergrounde girlhoe
Description: //CLICK HERE// I love reading your comments! Make sure to give me video ideas down below :) PLAYLIST: Apple Music : @chelseawilliams099 "Art hoe's Unite" You guys can stalk me! Uh oh.. thats all I have =( No good eh? *. Q&A. * = How old are you? 18 years old What video editor do you use? Final Cut Pro Where are you from? Canada What camera do you use? Canon EOS rebel t7i #arthoe #playlist #indie