Channel: BRT Gaming
Category: Gaming
Tags: arma 3 exile base buildingarma 3 exilearma 3 exile takistanarma 3 exile chernarusarma 3 exile gameplayarma 3 exile modarma 3 exile base raidarma 3 exile territoryarma 3 dayz exile modarma 3 exile mod gameplayarma 3 exile mod first impressionsarma 3 exile zombiesarma 3 exile first impressionsarma 3 apexarma 3 dayz exilearma 3 overpocharma 3 exile basearma 3 exile guidearma 3 exile altisarma 3 takistan
Description: ► Want to see more? Subscribe: ►►Support me on Patreon: Wolf shoots more loud machineguns.. PLAYING WITH: INFO: This is the arma 3 dayz exile mod. It's pretty much arma 3 epoch, but better. Better organized traders, a good group system, a better building system, a more organic spawn system and some servers offer actual working zombies. To use markers, assign "use action 2" under the "custom controls" tab your favorite key (I use "2"). PLAYLIST: LINKS: •Livestreaming: •If you have any questions about my PC specs, settings, etc check out: •Twitter: