Channel: Stuck N The Rut
Category: Entertainment
Tags: montana elk huntbig bullpublic land huntbone collectorbowhuntingelk huntstuck n the rutbugling bullsbig sky countryarchery elk hunthushinelk huntingbowhunting elkgoprohunting elkarchery huntarchery
Description: Bowhunting elk on public land, DIY, General tag in the Big Sky Country. The biggest challenge to general tags of course is dealing with people. This hunt, Travis and I were looking for elk that haven't been wised up to hunting calls. The first trip in the backcountry, we packed in several miles to get away from people. Unfortunately, someone was just as crazy as we were and packed back there as well. That trip was a bust, so we headed back home, got some work done, and I was able to harvest my bull elk (Episode 141) and then we made one last trip into Montana in search for a nice bull. Travis's standards were the farther the pack, the bigger the elk has to be. Thankfully on the last day, Travis pulled a nice 6x6 bull elk and captured it all on film with the GoPro 360. Now back to work we go until the next hunting season arrives. Thank you for watching, and don't forget to subscribe!!! #elkhunting #archery #montana