Channel: Computer Clan
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: krazy ken's tech misadventurestechapple rumorskrazy ken16-inch macbook procomputer clanmacbook prokktmmacapplecomputerbutterfly keyboard2016 macbook proapple's worst macbook pro (and how they're fixing it) - krazy ken's tech misadventuresusb-cmacosmacrumors
Description: Do you think Apple's MacBook Pros have been a little sucky, lately? Today, Krazy Ken will share his thoughts, and he'll tell you about the 2021 MacBook Pro—and how Apple is backpedaling on many of their 2016 decisions. Download our epic wallpapers ● Get more Tech Misadventures episodes ● Subscribe and listen to our podcast ● Subscribe for more tech videos! ● Like us on Facebook ● Follow us on Twitter ● Krazy Ken's Tech Misadventures - Apple's Worst MacBook Pro (and How They're Fixing It) Special thanks to @This Does Not Compute for his awesome neon-filled MacBook Pro shot. 😎 ⭐️ Patrons got to see this episode early (and in much higher playback quality). They also got behind-the-scenes access, Discord VIP access, and their names in the credits! Pledge now to get those awesome perks, and help fund the future of the Computer Clan! Thanks for your support. 📱Contact Us ● 🎬Get royalty-free stock footage with Artgrid. Sign up with my link to support the channel and get 2 extra months free: 🎵I also use Artlist for the music in my videos. I highly recommend them 👌 Click for 2 extra months free: 🎥Get film gear Ken uses ● On a lower budget? ● Computer Clan is an Amazon Associate. Amazon links are powered by the Amazon Associates Program. #KrazyKen #ComputerClan