Channel: MacRumors
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: m1 ultraipad miniapple tvm1 max mac minimac miniapple spring eventapple studio displayappleipad air 2022march eventmac studio reviewapple march 8th eventiphone se 3apple event 2022mac studioiphone se 2022studio display pricestudio displayiphone se 3 2022apple mac studiostudio display reviewm1 maxmobile phoneapple march eventmac studio priceapple event
Description: Today's "Peek Performance" event was more exciting than we initially thought it would be, with Apple debuting a new Mac Studio machine and Studio Display alongside a 5G version of the iPhone SE with A15 chip and an M1 iPad Air with 5G chip. read more - Follow MacRumors Follow Dan - #peekperformance #macstudio #studiodisplay