Channel: Matrix Disclosure
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: ancient aliensaliensassyriananubabylonianancientspacemesopotamianextraterrestrialuniversesumerianakkadiandocumentary historyanunnaki
Description: Anunnaki is believed to be a group of deities in several ancient Mesopotamian cultures such as the Babylonian, Sumerian, Assyrian, and Akkadian. VIDEO CREDIT: Anunnaki: Mind Control of Humankind Part 2 The name Anunnaki is a derivative of the names heaven “Anu”, and earth “Ki”. However, some groups translate them as “princely offspring” or “Those of Royal Blood”. The Sumerian legends and the ancient texts use the word Annunaki to refer to a group of gods who came from heaven. They were considered the main gods of the Sumerian pantheon. The Sumerians worshipped these gods long before the great pantheon of ancient Greece and before the ancient Egyptian gods. #anunnaki #monoatomicgold #matrixdisclosure #aliens #space