Channel: The Last Reformation
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: don dickermananointingdeliverancetlr cultfake deliverancesyt:cc=onprovokingfaithapostle kathryn krickfake anointingdeliverance ministriestorben sondergaardcultpodcastapostlehonestexposedwarningmarcus rogersthis is realfalse anointingfalse prophetisaiah saldivarthe last reformationjezebel spiritvideo podcastfalse apostlejesustruthkathryn krickahab spiritgospeltlrthe gospelgod
Description: SHOCKING AND IN MANY WAYS A REVEALING PODCAST! Do we truly need a "Jehu anointing" to "break the Ahab spirit"? Do we need to fast to "weaken the Jezebel spirit"? Is there an anointing for every good person in the Bible, and a spirit/demon for every bad person in the Bible? Do we need to name the names of demons, or is FAITH enough? Welcome to the latest THIS IS REAL podcast which will shock you in many ways. This podcast will be very revealing when it comes to how FAR we have sadly gone AWAY from the Word of God. Have we become like the Catholics who pray to their 10,000 saints, or like the Hindus and their 33 million gods? In this podcast, we will expose a very dangerous and unbiblical "trend" we see in many churches when it comes to anointing and spirits/demons. It also reveals how we often listen more to the demons than to what GOD is saying in His Word. We're also going to help us come back to the SIMPLE FAITH - the faith that can MOVE MOUNTAINS - the faith that can HEAL THE SICK and CAST OUT DEMONS! We believe this podcast will be a blessing for many of you out there! We also know it will be difficult for many, but we ask you to see it with an open mind, and with your Bible at your side! We cannot, as we say, again and again, build on our EXPERIENCE. It's not that our experiences are wrong, but we often INTERPRET them wrong! See more in this podcast which will set many free, and bring us back to the SIMPLE FAITH where miracles are truly happening! See it! Share it! And be blessed! ▬▬▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬ 00:00 - Intro 06:14 - Bryan 2 min testimony 10:30 - Torben Journey & Forgiveness 28:00 - Video - been delivered 5 times finally free 31:00 - Anointing vs. Deliverance 32:30 - Spirit of Hama, Cain, & Ahab 50:29 - Jehu & Moses Anointing 56:00 - What does the Scripture say? 1:00:00 - Methods 1:06:00 - The Jezebel Spirit 1:17:00 - TORBEN YOU KNOW NOTHING 1:23:00 - Functions not names 1:28:25 - Worship of Demons 1:34:25 - The Gospel with Mark 1:40:20 - The Last Reformation Beginning Trailer 1:46:30 - Last Words ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Join us every Monday evening at 5 PM PST on our LIVE podcast THIS IS REAL and every Friday for a pre-recorded episode. Our Podcast is an honest, provoking, and truth-spreading journey. All aimed at helping you in your walk with Christ! 📣 Friday's at 4 PM PST 📣 LIVE - Mondays at 5PM PST You can read more about the THIS IS REAL podcast, see pictures, and find out the other platforms you can hear the podcast on at the link here: 🌐 ▶️ LISTEN HERE Upcoming Events 🎪 Can’t attend a Kickstart near you? Check out the Kickstart Package: Apparel & Books 👕📘 VIDEOS YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS 🎬 PIONEER TRAINING SCHOOL ONLINE HOW TO SET PEOPLE FREE AND HOW TO BECOME FREE HOW TO MEET GOD HOW TO HEAR GOD'S VOICE HOW TO HEAL THE SICK HOW TO FAST HOW TO SPEAK IN TONGUES HOW TO PRAY HOW TO SHARE THE GOSPEL HOW TO RECEIVE GOD YOUR FATHER'S LOVE WHAT ABOUT TITHING? THE DANGERS OF CATHOLICISM WHY THE SINNERS PRAYER WON'T SAVE YOU FREE MOVIES We are grateful for all of you who support and stand together by donating to our ministry. If you want to give a gift, you can do so through here: HELP US TO TRANSLATE THIS VIDEO MB01ESLNRU6BWGO