Channel: Trend Central
Category: Education
Tags: fastest carporschesupercar road rageexotic carsangry people vs supercarslamborghinijealous peopleferrariexpensive failssupercar failsjealouscarstrend centraljealous people vs supercarscar failsangry at carsloud carsbugatti
Description: For copyright matters, please contact: As much as we appreciate the bright colours, roaring engine, and sleek design of supercars, sometimes unexpected things can and will happen. Whether it’s an unruly passerby or just plain carelessness, you’re not going to want to miss out on these unfortunate moments. Also don’t forget to leave a like on the video if you want a supercar of your very own. We do not claim these clips as our own. All credit goes to the rightful owners. If your clip was featured and you want it taken down, send us an e-mail explaining the situation and we'll resolve it. Links and sources: Supercar fails caught on camera! Featuring the world's most angry and jealous people on earth. You better check out these people jealous at supercars with your own eyes.