Channel: ValkyrieAurora [INACTIVE]
Category: Gaming
Tags: ayeshagame3dspsnintendologycutsceneatelierjrpgps2switchps4ps3playstationintromariegamerlillieintroductionsuellegamingalchemistmana khemiairisshallierpgtotorialchemyeschaelieps vitahelproronalydieguststory
Description: CC is available if you can’t decipher my mumbling. It's been a while since I put out a long video that's actually scripted so hopefully this is entertaining, and hopefully you'll be interested in trying this series out! Seriously, please do! Even if you're just a little bit interested! I'm serious I don't want these games to die p l e a s e music: ▶️ Atelier Lydie & Suelle OST ▶️ Atelier Firis OST