Channel: Central Penn Rail Productions
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: amtrak trainszugefreight trainstrain videosamtrakacs-64 hornfast trainsamtracktrainszuggeneral electric locomotivesp42dctrenamtrak city sprinteraem-7trains - topicpennsylvania trainskeystone corridorpassenger trainssiemens acs-64trenerosge
Description: I visit several of my favorite spots on Amtrak's Keystone Corridor between Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, including where the crossings once were. Amtrak operates 28 daily and 14 weekend electrified Keystone Service trains, plus the east and westbound "Pennsylvanian" (trains 42 and 43) between New York City and Pittsburgh, which uses General Electric P42DC diesel locomotives. A Norfolk Southern local train makes an appearance! Shot in various seasons in 2019 unless otherwise noted, including some Pennsylvanian double-header shots in Spring 2016 when ACSES was being installed on the line. More Amtrak videos: Keystone Corridor in the Snow: Freight Detours on the Keystone Corridor: Amtrak Capitol Limited Trains: Thanks for watching - Copyright 2020 - Central Penn Rail Productions Subscribe on YouTube: Like Facebook: