Channel: amonamarthVEVO
Category: Music
Tags: amarth;deathdeceiverinterview;pursuitkill;yourfire;twilightasgaard;hegg;ofraiseamarthhorns;thunder;inamonlight;blackwarguardianscrytheatdawn'sbird;vikings;johangods;interviewfirst
Description: Toazted talked with Johan Hegg from Amon Amarth back in 2008 Subscribe here for more Awesomeness: Want to keep up with our new interviews or you have a great idea or artist we should check out? Get in touch! Facebook: Toazted is the home of great music interviews. We care about art and artists, since our formation in 1993 we have chatted to everyone from The Ramones to Beyonce to Childish Gambino. Covering every genre you can ever imagine including metal, pop, rock and rap. We are dedicated to bringing you the best artists around the world and will continue to do so.