Channel: tnoutdoors9
Category: Sports
Tags: amendment5.56mmaccuracycalibratedwyldesecondchronographsonyreviewblockgraintestchronographedexpansion1:81080pcartridgeboattailar15hornadyfirearmdemonstrationclearballistics20riflesuperformancear-15camcordergelbullet75ammunitionhollowpointbarrel5.56ammopenetrationpredator10%matchclear2ndbushmastergrvelocityballisticballisticsbthpar 1581264hdgelatin
Description: Review and test of the 5.56mm Superformance Match 75 gr BTHP from Hornady. Test shot at 50 yards, 20" barrel AR15, using calibrated (to 10% ordinance specs) clear gel from Video includes review of the cartridge, chronograph velocities, test shot, and post-shot views of the clear block. NOTE: July 23, 2013 PLEASE READ comments from viewers indicating their could be serious issues using this ammo in carbine-length AR's. I paid approximately $27 locally for a box of 20 rounds, and have seen it as low as $24. Obviously, prices will vary by dealer, region, and most certainly will increase over time. I have found this ammo to be available at several independent gun stores, even throughout the 2013 ammo shortage. This particular block from has been recycled several times and is carrying a yellowish tint, which is perfectly normal for the process. CAMERA: Sony HDR-CX560 and Sony HDR-PJ650, 60p, 28 mbps, 1920 x 1080 HD. EDITING: Sony Vegas Pro 12, MP4, 60p, 32 bit, 21 mbps.