Channel: TheJohnBirchSociety
Category: News & Politics
Tags: the john birch society
Description: This video has been translated and narrated by a native Hungarian with the hopes of educating as many people as possible on the fundamentals of freedom. A John Birch Society legnépszerűbb és legelterjedtebb kisfilmje, mely bemutatja a főbb kormányzati és gazdasági rendszereket, valamint kifejt bizonyos időtlen alapelveket, melyek követése az Amerikai Egyesült Államokat a történelem legkülönlegesebb és leggyümölcsözőbb országává tette. A filmben kifejtett erkölcsi alapelvek általános érvényűek. Ahogy Amerikában ezek jelentik a szabadság megtartásának kulcsát, úgy bármely nép számára is irányadók lehetnek szabadságuk megvédéséhez vagy kivívásához. magyarra fordította és szinkronizálta: Czutor Levente The John Birch Society's most impactful and widely seen video about the American form of government is now available in Hungarian. Why Hungarian? Those that come from Hungary appreciate the quality education they receive about the American form of government, because they do not get it anywhere else! Over the years, immigrants from countries under communist rule have been some of the most patriotic Americans we know. They know the dangers of losing America and do the best they can to protect Americanism. Our English version is located here: Enjoy either version, but learn about Americanism and work to protect it by joining The John Birch Society. LIKE THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY AND WANT TO GET INVOLVED? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 🇺🇸 Become a Member 📧 Free E-Newsletter 💰 Donate to Help Keep our Videos Free 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel 📲 Let's Connect! - - - 📺 The New American YouTube