Channel: DDS TV
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: public freakout compilationbad drivers usabad driverscrashes carcar crashescar accidents 2022 usapublic meltdownamericas worst road rageroad rage in americapublic freakoutcrash carcar accidents 2022angry peoplenorth american driving failscaught on camerapublic freakout 2022dash cam caughtdriving failscarsinstant karma instant justiceroad rageroad rage 2022american road ragepublic freakout videoscar crash usa
Description: This video is number 47 in the educational series showcasing American Road Rage, Road Rage In America, as well as Public Freakouts - in America. This video is to be used as a learning tool to know what to do, and what not to do in situations like these. Remember, if you are in a road rage, or public freakout situation, or around angry people, keep your cool behind the wheel. *Send your clips to* #RoadRage #AmericanRoadRage #RoadRageInAmerica #PublicFreakout