Channel: DDS TV
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: usausa accidentbad driverhit and runbad drivers usausa road ragenear missbest of road rageaccidentcrashinsurance scam failrear endedcanada road ragenew road ragejusticeclose callsemicar crash compilationbad drivers americausa driving failroad rage karmanewsemi truck brake checkusa car crash2021fender benderbrake checkinstant karmadrivercanadacompilationcrazy road rage usaroad rageroad rage 2021crazycar crash usa
Description: This video is compilation episode 420 in the series that is all about car crashes, instant karma, roll over accidents, driving fails, bad drivers, close calls, learning how to drive, and more. If you're into insane dash cam footage, crashes, bad drivers, driving fails, fails, and more, this video is it! This video is meant to be educational and to be used as a learning tool to promote safe driving. Enjoy! * Send your clips to to get featured! *