Channel: Chase Jarvis
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: inner wisdomhow to develop intuitionhow to listen to your intuitiontherpaychasejarvischase jarvisentrepreneurhealingfreelanceamber raelife after divorcethe answers are within you bookchase jarvis live
Description: Have you ever felt "off", but you weren't exactly sure why? Amber Rae is a global voice for emotional well-being and self-discovery. She's also a creative who translates her deep insights into the human experience into art that inspires. In today's episode, Amber helps us explore what it feels like to be out of alignment with one's true self, how we can get in tune with our inner being, and how we can use our intuition to make better choices. Here are some highlights from our conversation: * Who is Amber Rae? * How to develop intuition * How we can relate to our inner world and come home to ourselves * Amber's experience of creating from a place of fear and scarcity rather than a place of power, abundance, and truth * Is it possible to come into alignment with yourself without dismantling everything? * Alignment doesn't have to be a big deal. It can be in the small decisions we make every day. It can be the morning practice that helps us feel centered and present with ourselves. * Different stages of aligning with your true self, according to Amber * In moments of despair, we should remember that this is just a phase and won't last forever. * What is intuition and how can we tap into it? * What is toxic perfectionism and why should we avoid it? Enjoy! -- ► Useful? Subscribe: Leave me a comment. Let me know what you think! =========================== CONNECT WITH ME: =========================== Get VIP-only content and stay up-to-date with the latest: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: GOOGLE+: SNAPCHAT: ----- Chase Jarvis is well known as a visionary photographer, fine artist and entrepreneur. Chase is cited as one of the most influential photographers of the past decade. As an entrepreneur, Chase created Best Camera - the world's first mobile photo app to share images direct to social networks - sparking the global photo sharing craze. He is currently the founder & CEO of CreativeLive, the world's largest live-streaming online education company, having delivered more than a billion minutes of free live education worldwide.