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Amazing Silicone Soap Molds examples of use and results. Soap Making. DIY Molds. DIY Soap Ideas

Duration: 06:14Views: 30.4KLikes: 732Date Created: Nov, 2021


Category: People & Blogs

Tags: soap making techniquediy soapsoap moldsmold making tutorialcraftкак сделатьoreo silicone moldhow to makediy hacksмыловарениекрасивое мылоhandmade soaplife hacksdiyhacksсиликоновые формыeasy diysfood soaphow to make soapсвоими рукамиhomemadehow to make soap at homesoap hacksсделай самдекоративное мылоmold makingsilicone moldbread soapsoap makingcraftingsoap craftsформы для мыламыло ручной работыsoap

Description: Don't You Have A soap Mold? The artist does amazing things - creates silicone soap molds and develops printing for needlewomen and not only. Soap videos from these form are gaining millions of views on TikTok! Which handmade soap was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below! For more visit (Saponelli Molds): TikTok: vm.tiktok.com/ZSekuuFmB tiktok.com/@saponelli.molds Instagram: instagram.com/saponelli.molds Web: saponelli.ru ________________________________________________________ Silicone molds at home without special equipment: The forms can be made independently at home. We take the master model and prepare the formwork. It should be at a distance from each side of at least 0.5 cm. You can make it out of cardboard or a plastic bottle. On the formwork, we put a mark 0.5 - 1 cm above the master model. The master model must be fixed on a sheet of cardboard. A hot base is suitable for this. We fix the formwork on the cardboard with hot glue. We weigh the silicone in the proportions specified by the manufacturer. Mix the components quickly and thoroughly, but carefully so that no bubbles form. Fill the silicone with a thin stream It will take 8-10 hours to solidify. Then we take out the form from the formwork, peel it off from the cardboard. We pull out the master model and wash the mold — the process is quite time-consuming and unpleasant. With nail scissors, we cut off excess silicone We make the first fillings a technical basis so that the soap pulls out the remnants of the master model and excess silicone from the mold. After that, finally, we fill the soap in the right colors and rejoice in the result! I really hope you enjoy it and don't forget to subscribe to this channel for the latest videos: youtube.com/c/DAILYARTBOX ____________________________________________________ 🔊 Music by Epidemic Sound: epidemicsound.com/referral/5vmf6n ________________________________________________________ #DailyArtBox #art

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