Channel: Tricklandia
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: youtubemagic schoolself working card tricksmagic tricks for beginnerscard tricks for kidsprediction card tricksmagic secrets revealedalexander tepnadzecard magic tricks revealedcard tricks to musiccard tricks for beginnerscard tricks revealedcard tricks for expertsmathematical card tricksamazing prediction card trick - card tricks revealedcard trick tutorialtricklandiamagic tricks for kids
Description: For more Cool Tricks Visit My Website : Amazing Prediction Card Trick is Magical. It Works Such a Strange way. Everything is so Randomized , but still the magic happens. This Magic Trick is a Combination of Cards and Numbers. This Wonderful Magic Trick will make you look like a real Magician. Amazing Prediction Card Trick Revealed by Tricklandia. Watch the TUTORIAL video here::