Channel: Sweet Project Cars
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: does anyone know how to make rust removerwhat is evaporust made ofhow to prevent rustrusty metal primerwhat can i do to stop rustwhat kills rustevapo-rusthow to stop rustfluid filmsweet project carshow to protect a car from rusthow do i keep my car from rustinghome made rust removerbest rust removerrust dissolverbest rust inhibitorhow to protect my car from rusthow to rust proof a carbest rust proofing
Description: We are sharing our secrets again :) With only 2 ingredients you will love this and SAVE BIG! You can make your own rust remover for less than $8 bucks a Gallon vs $18 and it works just as good and just as fast! SAVE MONEY where you can we say! Clear-Coat Bumper Video Clear-Coat Wheels Video Clear-Coat Door Panel Video ________________________________________________ If you would like to help us out. ________________________________________________ TOOL LINKS FOR ALL COUNTRIES USE Links Below Works For All Countries Listed! TOOLS FOR USA, UK , Canada, Australia, Germany ___________________________________________ 1st use this Remover Then Add This... Water ...FREE :)) the mix ratio is in the video! Best 2K Clear Coat Best Waterless Wash OLD 99 Plastic Prep Spray Spray Gun Kit Best Spray Bottles Ceramic Coating Blue Towels Venom Gloves Best Paint Mask CAMERA USED FOR VIDEO ________________________________________________________ The extremely small compensation we receive from these amazon links helps to keep our channel available to you for FREE viewing! *****Disclaimer***** Due to factors beyond the control of SWEET PROJECT CARS, we cannot guarantee against the improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. Make sure you check with your manufacturer to make sure this will not affect your factory warranty. SWEET PROJECT CARS assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in these videos. Use this information at your own risk. SWEET PROJECT CARS recommends safe practices when working with tools seen or implied in our video and written content. Due to factors beyond the control of SWEET PROJECT CARS, no information contained on this YouTube channel shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this content is the sole responsibility of the user and not SWEET PROJECT CARS.