Channel: Jonno Plays
Category: Gaming
Tags: massive mass outbreak methodpokemon legends arceusjonnoshiny hunting alpha kleavorshalphalive shiny huntingarceuslegends arceus live streamalpha shiny huntingmass outbreaksmass outbreakshalpha huntinglegends arceus shiny alpha huntingjonno playsshiny huntinglivemassive mass outbreakshiny hunting livelegends arceusshiny hunting legends arceuslegends arceus shiny huntinglive streamshiny hunting arceusnew shiny hunting methodshiny
Description: It's time to do my first shiny alpha hunt in Pokemon Legends Arceus! There's no telling which alpha will turn shiny first so we gotta check 'em all! We will also do mass outbreaks and massive mass outbreaks as they occur. We may even find some distortions to hunt as well! Who knows what shiny Pokemon we will find along the way to a new shiny alpha Pokemon and a complete shiny living dex! I'm also trying to complete the Alpha Living Dex as well as the Shiny Living Dex so we may catch a few Alpha Pokemon that I need along the way even if they aren't shiny. So many adventures to be had in Pokemon Legends Arceus! Let's go!! #PokemonLegendsArceus #ShinyLivingDex #AlphaLivingDex #ShinyPokemonArceus #LegendsArceus #ShinyLegendsArceus #ShinyHunting #ShinyReaction #ShinyHunting #ShinyPokemon #ShalphaHunting #CrimsonMirelands #ShinyAlphaHunting PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A COMMENT! THANK YOU FOR WATCHING -- Become a Member of my channel to unlock special perks! Use this link: -- Follow My Real Life Adventures! Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: -- My Live Stream and my channel are a family friendly environment! It is very important to me to create a safe space for everyone to enjoy my content. If you break my rules you will be timed out or hidden from commenting permanently. Please be respectful while you hang out at my channel and always keep your comments LITTY LIKE SKITTY! -- Channel & Stream Rules: 1. No Swearing 2. No Spam / Emoji Spam 3. Be Respectful At All Times 4. No Arguing 5. No Adult Topics 6. No Asking for Mod 7. No Self Promotion 8. No Hate 9. KEEP IT LITTY LIKE SKITTY! -- I'm an Amazon Influencer! Take a look at my awesome shopping lists: Use this link: -- Join my Discord server to discuss all the games that I play with other Jonno friends/fans! Use this link: PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS CONTENT! DON'T FORGET TO SHARE THE VIDEO! --If you actually read this far you are amazing! Please comment "Description Hype!" and what city or country you are watching my video from! I will try to reply to everyone who does this!