Channel: Allotment Diary
Category: Education
Tags: diarygrow lettucegrowing peasgrowing veghow to grow potatoesallotmentgrowing potatoesallotment diarygrowing garlic
Description: Allotment Diary : Plot Tour & Underwater Tadpole Pond Cam. A bit of a round up of how the vegetables are growing up at the allotment pls a first go using the camera underwater to have a look at the tadpoles in the pond. Everything seems to be growing really well after all the rain we have had. The container potatoes should be ready to harvest in a couple of weeks and the peas will be readt to start picking in a few days. The onions are starting to bulb up and the garlic is still growing well. The lettuce and rocket are flying along and the french beans are now in flower. So all in all everything is growing really well. #allotment #growyourownveg #gardeninguk