Channel: Sjin
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftresourceful bees tutorialminecraft create modsjinresourceful bees modminecolonies raidersallthemodiumresourceful beesminecraft mobminecraft resourceful beesall the mods sjinmodded minecraftcreate mod mob grinderminecraft mob grindercreate modfeed the beesatm6 sjinsilent gearall the mods 6minecraft mob farmrefined storageminecoloniesminecraft xp farmsijnatm6minecraft create mod tutorial
Description: I'm back playing ATM6 modded Minecraft and it's time to Feed The Bees! I want to make a cool Create mod XP farm by making a mob grinder shaped like a BLENDER! If you wanna get into All The Mods 6 you can check it out here: Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 ATM6 Version: 1.8.9 Texture Pack: None! Shaders: Complementary Shaders Become a member to help support the channel: Subscribe for more lets play and gameplay videos! Thanks for watching! #Sjin #ATM6 #ModdedMinecraft #LetsPlay