Channel: Fevir
Category: Gaming
Tags: spellbreak pre alphaspellbreak spell combosspellbreak battle royalespellbreak releasespellbreak pc gameplayspellbreak gauntlet combosspellbreak classesfevirspellbreak all gauntletsspellbreak tipsspellbreak betaspellbreak spellsspellbreak tricksspellbreak gauntletsspellbreak pcspellbreak all spellsspellbreakspellbreak gameplayspellbreak spell combinationsspellbreak brspellbreak 2019spellbreak spell listspellbreak all combos
Description: Spellbreak's spell combination system is my favorite part of the whole game. Weaving different spells together to be a battle mage is all well and good; but my interest doesn't lie in how it functions as a battle royale. Instead I just love the spell casting system found and honestly just want some less pvp focused game to jack it. Only half kidding. Check out Spellbreak here: (Epic Game Creator Tag) This video is more a resource to see all the different elemental spells currently in Spellbreak - as well as all the ways they interact. Spellbreak as a battle royale game is really interesting because it infuses many RPG elements into it and then tacks on this crazy elemental spell system. Spellbreak is a battle royale that is appealing outside of it's genre. I have a few codes for Spellbreak. If you're reading the description and want one.. write a joke in the comments. I'll choose a few and send you a message when I get home from work. ... If you enjoyed the video, remember to drop a LIKE and consider SUBSCRIBING if you want more gaming videos ... If you wanted to connect further about this battle royale game, Spellbreak, reach out here.. Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - Discord - ... Asset sources Thumbnail: Screen capture from Spellbreak Music: Fog & Rain ... Related content This links off to other Spellbreak videos This links off to other battle royale games Link to an official Spellbreak trailer and youtube channel #spellbreak #battleroyale #pewpew