Channel: EKEZ
Category: Gaming
Tags: trendingfortnite llama bellfortnite funny momentsfortnite emoteshot stuff emoteskinpsnleakedfortnite dancesekez_ytekeztylifedancesmomentsgalaxycreditfortnitefunnyinstaofficialekezpumpernickelfortnite battle royaletouchrealliving large and more in sync!work it outfortnite leaked emotesshiinabrbattlenew fortnite dancesreal lifeseason 5discordekezgo go go emotefortnite season 5 skinsguysshowcasedontfortnite season 5clip
Description: GIVEAWAY: If you guys enjoyed the video dont forget to drop a like on the video and subscribe x Credit: Saphangel: (found many dances for me) ShiinaBR: Sinx6: I spent a while looking for all the fortnite dances in real life and i know some aren't perfect but I tried to get as many as possible. Some which are also not applicable to a particular video or clip are just funny videos of something similar so i hope you enjoy :) Keep in touch: Discord: Snapchat: EKEZTY Insta: ekezx Twitch: OfficialEKEZ Twitter: @ekezxx PSN: EKEZ_YT #TRENDING