Channel: Ya - Alisa
Category: Entertainment
Tags: rules of good behaviorhow to behavekids learn how to behavealice and eva playalicerules for kidsrules of conductevaplay withalice and evaeducational videogameskids videosfunny storiesbehaviorrules of conduct for kidskidsgood manners for kidsgood behaviorpretend playcollectionalice and dadfor kidsindoor gamesvideos for kidspretend to playstories for kidskids learneva playfunny dadkids videoplayingpreschool
Description: #aliceandeva #eva #alice #aliceanddad A collection of funny stories for kids about Alice and Eva and their games and entertainment with funny dad. Children play and play a little hooligan. Dad explains to Alice and Eva how to behave at home. Simple rules of conduct for kids. Drum roll, please! Ya Alisa is now live on Roku streaming devices. Stop worrying about inappropriate content, enjoy our exclusive videos, and save your favorites. Install the channel and start watching right away!