Channel: Nick Priest
Category: Entertainment
Tags: engagedflightcouplecomplicationcrew lifeeyesightsecond officerairline crewwhat eye surgery is likemarrynick priestaviation737 maxcaptaineyesblurryglassesfiancelong haulprosprk eye surgeryb737laser surgerywhat went wrongqantasdatingvirgin australialost visionlaser eye surgeryconspilotcostcabin crewflight attendantpriestdryboeingshort haulwhat you need to knowexpensivevisionmoney78720/20informationdreamlinertravel
Description: My 90 day transformation EBOOK: Shop Alphalete Athletics: Airline crew get laser eye surgery.. Em is getting PRK eye surgery to correct her vision back to 20/20! As Em is a flight attendant and I'm a pilot we thought it would be good to document her experience and provide some information about getting laser eye surgery within the aviation industry! FOLLOW ME ON: ➢ instagram: ➢ facebook: ➢ twitter: Thanks for the support and be sure to Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe!