Channel: Google Developers
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: ai and the gartner hype cyclehype cycle exampleshype cycleai hype cyclegartner hype cycledevelopersgartner hype cycle 2021what is artificial intelligencegartner hype cycle 2022course on aihype cycle gartnergooglegds: yesseries: ai for anyonetype: devbyte (deck cleanup 2-10min)hype cycle for emerging technologiespr_pr: tensorflowstages of the hype cycleartificial intelligence free coursehype cycle stagesgartner hype cycle stages
Description: Welcome to AI for Anyone! We'll take a journey to explore Artificial Intelligence, along with Machine Learning and Deep Learning. We'll cut through the hype and help you understand what it's really all about. But first, let’s talk about the Gartner Hype Cycle and its impact on how the world perceives AI. Watch more AI for Anyone → Subscribe to Google Developers → AI for Anyone is a series aimed at anyone who is interested in learning about Artificial Intelligence, tech background or no tech background! #AIforAnyone #AI #ML #GoogleDevelopers fullname: Laurence Moroney;