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Agnes Obel - Stretch Your Eyes (Official Audio)

Duration: 05:12Views: 1.9MLikes: 11.2KDate Created: Oct, 2016

Channel: Agnes Obel

Category: Music

Tags: aventinebrother sparroweasy listeningclassicalagnes obel livecitizen of glasspianojust sophilharmonicsdarkdorianagnes obel newberlindanish artistpiasstretch your eyesagnes obel albumfuel to fireriversidefamiliarpj harveykey music managementanna calviuniversal music publishingthe cursechilleddillonane brunplay it again samagnes obel (musical artist)lykke liagnes obel playlistdanish music

Description: Agnes Obel's song 'Stretch your Eyes' taken from her album 'Citizen Of Glass'. Listen to the 'Citizen Of Glass' album in full and add it to your music library here: agnesobel.ffm.to/citizenofglass.oyd Discover more of Agnes' music on your preferred music service here: agnesobel.ffm.to/music.oyd Buy Agnes Obel merchandise at: agnesobel.ffm.to/merch.oyd Follow Agnes online... instagram.com/agnesobelof... facebook.com/agnesobeloff... twitter.com/agnesobel agnesobel.com Stretch Your Eyes Lyrics: The dark and the ghost They dance so sweet and slow Dug-out from below there to damn the gods A grip that will hold So tight and close Around my throat with the weight of all our lives You can give to my heart Thousand words or more You can give to my heart Thousand words or more The drum you stroke Damn that beat so old In the ground it grows there To damn the sun (oh what will come to life) Gates of gold In your head you hold A kingdom molten May the gods be on your side You can give to my heart Thousand words or more You can give to my heart Thousand words or more #AgnesObel #CitizenOfGlass #Piano

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