Channel: ArmaganVideos
Category: Education
Tags: how tohtml5flatdesignvfxhow3dhighmodernflatdesignenglishlogohow-to (media genre)vectortutorialwriteadobe after effects (software)handcclicencehandwritingadobeone pagefull hdlowpolymodellingstrokequalitylicenseafxflat ui designvisual effectsmetrogfxanimatedfullhdios8adobe illustrator (software)illustrationtoios7hdillustratorfont
Description: In this tutorial you are going to learn how to create a Hipster-like intro animation with an animated handwriting effect and free overlays. Hope you enjoyed the video, ArmaganVideos. Fonts used: - Nevis - Gotham - Dollie Script Free downloads (also this template/overlays/logo): ➜ My 5-hour uDemy course about flat design: ►►►