Channel: TinyKittens HQ
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: spaysheltertherapychlomonakittenscutekittenwatchferalcatskittenlive birthramonaadoptheartwarmingneutertnrchloetinykittensrescueadorablepregnant
Description: These cats were part of an incredible rescue mission made possible by a coalition of international rescue organizations. Their journey is the culmination of nearly six months of work by rescuers in Afghanistan to try to get animals to safety after they were unable to do so during the mass evacuations in August, when the Taliban took control of the country. More to follow... More about our rescue work: Our VIP livestream: Donate to support our efforts: Ways to help: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For anyone concerned about the lighting, here's how well our cams adjust to night lights: GUIDE FOR PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE: Be polite. Please don't swear, don't ask for subscriptions, don't ask personal questions, don't spam (including roll call requests & spamming emojis). No block caps. Thanks! OUR MODS ARE VOLUNTEERS AND THEY ARE TRYING TO HELP, PLEASE TREAT THEM ACCORDINGLY! Bothering a moderator inside or outside of chat is grounds for banning and the sharing of your info to other cams for them to ban you as well. Concerning Trolls: Ignore them. That's what they dislike the most. Their goal is to upset you so you yell at them. They think this is funny. Thank mew so much to everyone who is watching!