Channel: JeremyShaferOrigami
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: youtubehow toringorigamijeremy shafervideossimplebestorigami frisbeevideohow to makefrisbeechaseamazing5 minute craftspaperdiytutoriallongest flyingchase logoorigami diskunbelievablejeremyshaferorigamiorigami jeremy shaferorigami tutorialorigami flyinghowtoincredible2021paper ringjeremy shafer origamichase symbolboomerangorigami ringsupertheawesomesquareflying origamifolddiskflyeasy origamitutorialsoragamiоригамиfun
Description: [Simple] The Best Flying Origami Ring! How to fold the Amazing Aero-Ring™! Folded from just a square of paper, no cutting or gluing, this pure origami frisbee disk flies super well either flicked as a flicker or thrown as a frisbee. This model is inspired by the Aerobie flying disk which held the world record for "longest throw of an object..." for 19 years.** I didn't try to set any origami ring flying records with this model, but if I were to try, I would definitely use paper much bigger than a 6-inch square of kami! I would recommend folding it from a sheet of printer paper cut square. This model also just so happens to be the Chase logo, so, if any representatives from Chase bank happen to watching this video and would like to license it, please chase me down and we'll talk!🤑 For other awesome flying origami tutorials on Jeremy Shafer Origami l check out this playlist: #OrigamiFrisbee #AmazingFlyingDisk #JeremyShaferOrigami **The 13-inch (330 mm) Aerobie Pro was used to set the Guinness World Record twice for the "longest throw of an object without any velocity-aiding feature".[15] The Aerobie's first Guinness World Record was set by Scott Zimmerman at 1,257 feet (383 meters) in 1986 at Fort Funston, San Francisco.[16] The 1986 record was broken by Erin Hemmings with a throw of 1,333 feet (406 meters) on July 14, 2003 at Fort Funston. [Wikipedia] The record the longest throw of an object without any velocity-aiding feature is 427.2 m (1,401.5 ft) by David Schummy (Australia) with a boomerang on 15 March 2005 at Murrarie Recreation Ground, Queensland, Australia. [] Here are some ways to support me to make more awesome origami diy videos: 1. Join as a Member to get access to perks: 2. Book a private origami Zoom tutoring session here: 3: Buy one of my books or packages of paper on my Amazon shop: 4. Subscribe and hit the notification bell: 5: Follow me on Instagram: ... or Facebook: 6: Please tell your friends about my channel. Thank you for watching and enjoying these videos!