Channel: nogoodtv
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: chevyg4tvaotseverybody curses i swearup close with carrie keaganc10one nighttruckadventures with carolattack of the showfordsteve harveyno good tvbravoth400transmissionerrol colandrocarbig morning buzz liveafter hourscarrie keaganwendy williamsfluidecklersuncensoredfunnydirtyrebuildjoshua treengtv.comsexynogoodtvgasketfilterclassicel3 productionscelebrity apprenticevintageepisode 2gmcautomotiveinterviewvh1
Description: Carrie Keagan and Errol Colandro invite you to join them on their epic misadventures to rebuild the classic ’65 Chevy c10 they affectionately call Blue. Follow Carrie and Errol, known as "CAROL," and watch as they transform this vintage beauty from the tires up. In this episode of Adventures With Carol we start stopping! We are converting our old drum brakes to disc brakes by installing new shocks, springs, rotors and those pesky ball joints. (Brake Drum solo in 5...4...3...2...) Parts provided by @ecklersautomotive Shot by the gorgeous @gabe_ohhhh Featuring Music by @sonicgraffiti