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ADLEY SURPRiSES for YOU ❤️ Valentines Delivery from Mailman dad! my morning routine and heart merch

Duration: 35:28Views: 11.5MLikes: 54.3KDate Created: Jan, 2022

Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun

Category: Entertainment

Tags: mailmanshonduraskids party gamesupdateadley learnsdrop testadley videosroutinelove heartplay pretendkids gamesvampireadleyvalentinesmystery boxbackyardanimalshyper potionsvalentines daycostumevalentines challengessurprisea for adleynew neighborhoodpretend playnew gamenikoparty gamesdont get caughtadley songlove potionbest day everbaby brotherhow to brew potionschallengehalloween partydress uppresentpumpkin

Description: Valentines surprises for all my friends! ♥️ LET'S BE FRIENDS -- goo.gl/a7ctjJ HEY EVERYBODY!! Good morning Vlog! Today is my first day in my NEW neighborhood and I am super excited to live here! First thing I do EVERY MORNiNG is water my flowers so they stay super healthy! Then, I wake up my pet " Fluffy the Fox ". Then it's time to finish my morning routine with some breakfast.. I always eat warm french toast and drink hot chocolate like I am in a fancy cafe. While I was doing some of my daily chores I heard a knock on my door, it was the mailman delivering my new Adley valentines dresses! They are SO adorable! The next day I ordered some new Adley shirts, and started more chores. Today I had to clean my house like, vacuum and sweep. Finally the mailman came and brought me my shirts. After he left I opened up the package and it was the WRONG ORDER! These were Niko bear shirts not Adley shirts! I called the mailman and told him to come back right away! While I was waiting, I decided to fill out some new Adley Valentines cards for my family. I wrote one for my brother Niko, my sister Navey, my mom Jenny, and my dad Shaun. When the mailman showed up with the RIGHT shirts I gave him the valentines to deliver to my family! I am so excited to share some new Adley Valentines gifts with you!! shopadley.com my last video: MAGiC FOOD at Adley’s BEST Restaurant!! Family Cafe and Adley is the Boss! Mom & Dad Love Date ❤️ youtube.com/watch?v=cKYEvXLl2JY my dad's last video: ADLEY can POOL SURF 🏄‍♀️ Hot Tub surfing in our backyard and Navey learns how to paint crafts!! youtube.com/watch?v=MhrAXsO5QxI Bye vlog *pshhhhh*

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