Channel: Uncivilized Elk
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: speculative evolutionscavengers analysisuncivilized elkscavengers explainedscavengers meaningecologyextraterrestrialalien creaturescartoon theoryscavengers reviewalien planetnostalgiaspeculative biologybiologycartoonspeculative zoologyanimated short filmadult swimevolutionscavengers animationalien worldtoonamianimationscavengersanimated shorttheory
Description: Watch Scavengers on Vimeo, it's only 8 minutes long: Scavengers is a beautiful animated short that premiered on Adult Swim’s Toonami block in late 2016. The animation is about two humans surviving on an alien world while longing for the civilization they left behind on planet Earth. It’s a captivating feat of fictional biology that provides a poignant message about the power of nostalgia. All music is from the Rain World soundtrack by James Primate: Threat - Heavy Industrial Threat - Superstructure Threat - Outskirts Mud Pits Pictures of the Past RW_3 Threat - Shoreline Kayava Weyuon Bio-Engineering Threat - Sky Islands ELSE I Stargazer Black Moonlight RW_4 Support this channel on Patreon: Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Twitter: