Channel: ShadowLeggy
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: leggyannette birkinshadowleggehmusicalworst spy evercartoonada facecomedyparodyresident evil 2resident evildoubleleggyanimationada wongleon s. kennedyremusicalsleggehresident evil musicalsshadowleggyfunnyre2
Description: Patreon ➤ Donations ➤ Artwork ➤ --- Okay, so it's not technically a musical more than it is a skit of sorts. For those who don't know, John is a character mentioned in RE1 and RE2. The only picture of him you ever see is in Adas inventory, as a special photo item. He is Ada's old boyfriend who she basically used to get inside information about Umbrella for her mission. Don't get me wrong here, for some reason I like Ada, even though she is a sneaky little beyotch. I think I like her for that soft side that says: "Hey! You know what? I'm gonna fall in love with this rookie guy over a span of 24 hours!" I love that shit. But I could never bring myself to get over the fact that in all the missions we see her on, she insists on using her whole real name. Don't spies usually try to like... not do that? And when Annette says she did a "background check" on Ada, I imagined her finding something like her Facebook account. "LAWL hai, I'm Ada Wong and this is mah next mission!" To those saying that "Ada Wong" isn't her real name based on the RE3 epilogue, I'm pretty sure that was just her being metaphoric and melodramatic. Voice Emulator: Annette's extra voice by: mjfan84 John's voice by: Leon14356 --- REMusicals™ ©LeggyProductions Resident Evil is Property of CAPCOM #ResidentEvil #Animation #ShadowLeggy