Channel: StudioSilverCreek
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: learn to paintabstract painting for beginnersabstract painting easyabstract paintingacrylic paintdiy painting ideaspaintabstract painting with acrylicsabstract art tutorialeasy paintings for beginnersabstract art techniquesabstract painting tutorialacrylic paintingeasy paintingpaintingacrylic painting techniquesdiy paintingabstracts on canvascanvas arthow to paintabstract background paintingabstract painting techniques
Description: Part 2 of a Simple Abstract Acrylic painting created with acrylic craft paint and plastic wrap. See part 1 here: This can be made on a canvas with other types and brands of acrylic paint. This is a fun and quick way to paint a background for any acrylic painting project. #studiosilvercreek Tree painting using this background: ✔SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL HERE!: ✔JOIN my Facebook ART PAGE (where I post MORE photos and videos of my art: ✔INSTAGRAM: ✔PINTEREST: ✔Check out My Other Art Channel: orange acrylic craft paint yellow acrylic craft paint red acrylic craft paint white acrylic craft paint black acrylic craft paint brown acrylic craft paint Watercolour paper OR a canvas Plastic wrap Brayer Flat Paintbrush liner paintbrush Shader paintbrush water & rinse cup paint palette MUSIC CREDITS: From YouTube audio library: #abstractart #acrylicpainting