Channel: TYT Sports
Category: Sports
Tags: politicsespnknow your rightsnational anthem kneelingtytcolin kaepernick charitynaji chill220510__sp01antoniobrowncolin kaepernick charity workkaepernickcigar talkcharity worknfl footballcolin kaepernick documentarysharpenewsabracism in nflsportscolin kaepernicknikeshannon sharpefootballbrownnational anthem protestrick stromnflcommunity outreachthe young turkstyt sportsnfl racismtyt networkantonio brownanthem protest
Description: Disgraced NFL wide receiver Antoni Brown went after Colin Kaepernick on the Cigar Talk podcast with Naji Chill parroting old talking points that he "doesn't want to play" and is completely content with collecting checks from Nike and starring in commercials and documentaries about his life. However, AB of course failed to realize that Kap does actual charity work on the ground, trying to make a real impact on people's lives, and does really want to play football again. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below! Rick Strom TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: Follow TYT Sports on Facebook! TYT Sports - one of the most dynamic sports shows on YouTube - is coming to Tune In! We cover all the latest need to know NBA, NFL, MMA, World Football [soccer] and breaking news specifically tailored to the young, dialed-in, and pop-culture savvy sports fan. Subscribe today and prepare to get hooked. #TYTsports #Sports #RickStrom