Channel: MerciPolia
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: baby songstoddlerskindergartenrhymestveducationこどものうたмерси полямерсиполяabc with toyskids musicforalphabetabcの歌videobabiesyourabc songalphabet for childrengreen screenthe alphabet songchildrenenglishnursery rhymesfunnyletterskidssongchildren'sabcteachfor kidsanimationabc kidskids songnurserychildren songssongsabc songs for childrenbabypreschoolmercipolialearn englishfamilyplay with lettersanimealphabet songchild
Description: MerciPolia as teacher is playing with ABC English Alphabet suddenly all letters disappear. They decided to play hide and seek with Polia. She hears funny giggle and begins funny game of finding all ABC letters on car. Best ABC Alphabet Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children with MerciPolia! Thank you for watching my videos ABC Song If you like it, Please Comment, Like and Subscribe to my Channel! Subscribe to the channel: Instagram MerciPolia: #MerciPolia #ABCSong #AlphabetSong