Channel: Lukie Mc
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: old mansionabandorich peopleurbex ozurbex ausrosieabandoned mansionleft to rotmicegoldfishmousesuburbandisgustingabandonedaussielukie mcmelbournemansionurbex aussiesharkexploregrossoldurban explorerichabandoned placesaustraliasuburban mansionfor saleexploringabandonurbanurban explorationlukiefishdemolishedgraffitiabandoned housemousesurbexaustrashed
Description: Here's another abandoned house I explored with the one and only MuiTube. I've explored my fair share of gross abandos, but this one is probably the grossest. Mices, mouses, they're so gross here running around the kitchen and you can see em pretty early at about 2:30 in. Yuck. The goldfish, while sad, isn't something for us to take. The place is for sale so hopefully someone is feeding them, but i kinda doubt it. Sent a note either way. Take only pictures, leave only footprints. And that's it, another place left to rot and slowly get reclaimed by nature. Subscribe to MuiTube and I'll catch yas again soon!