Channel: Mikey The Macaw & Friends
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: mikey the macawparrotsfree flightmikey and miafree flyfree flyingtrainingbird trainingmacawsmia the macawbirdsmacaubirds in flightparrot trainingmickey the macawpet parrotspet macawsnestingbreeding
Description: Just a quick vlog on Mikey and Mia’s Free flying as we are now flying them individually due to when they are together, especially around houses, they both take off and explore for hours on end. Hormones, spring and parrots do not go well together. We think they are hunting for a place to nest and know our area very well so just kinda bored of it now. We will do a more detailed update in a few weeks when we see progress so we can share the story properly. If you are confused, check out this YouTube video when it first started or follow our Instagram/Facebook for daily updates. Meet & greets and personalised videos Follow Mikey and Mia for Daily Updates! Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: