Channel: Noah Tesh
Category: Entertainment
Tags: songjake paulforgivesuicidelogan paul dead bodylogan paul dead body reuploadsuicide awarenesslogan paul songlogan paul dead body videomaverick by logan paulmusiclogan paul dead body vloglogan paul finds dead bodylogan paulmusic videomaverickapologylogan paul apology
Description: Logan Paul uploaded a video showing a dead body, which has caused lots of chaos for him and pretty much the whole world. I have to say I was disappointed when I watched the video. I know tons of kids, such as myself, watch his vlogs every single day. It was a mistake for him to go into those woods and record, much less upload it to youtube. At the end of the day though, everyone makes mistakes. This was a very big mistake, one that can't be unseen but it can be forgiven. Logan is an amazing person, and he still deserves everyone's love. He has apologized for everything, and he knows what happened wasn't right. Accept his apology and try to look past the mistake that happened. You know you would want the same if something like this happened to you. - Noah CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: OUR INSTAGRAM (@FlobrosOfficial) ► OUR TWITTER (@FlobrosOfficial) ► OUR FACEBOOK (@FlobrosOfficial) ► FOLLOW NOAH HIS INSTAGRAM (@noahtesh) ► HIS TWITTER (@YaBoyNoahTesh) ► FOLLOW NICK (TICK NESH) HIS INSTAGRAM (@nicktesh) ► HIS SNAPCHAT (@ticknesh) FOLLOW ROMAN HIS INSTAGRAM (@romantesh) ► HIS SNAPCHAT (@rtesh7)