Channel: Moojiji
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Tags: gurumonte sahajamantraself-realizationnon-dualityegodivineawarenessawakeningbuddhapresencesurrendernirvanaself-inquirysupremebeingspiritualityphilosophydualitymayapeacemoojirealityjesus christloveenlightenmentsoulprophetportugalyogapapajiwisdomfreedomseekershivasacredramanasatsangspiritliberationblisskrishnacontemplationeternaltruthi ammeditationdevotionselfsahajatimegod
Description: Upcoming Online Retreat with Mooji — A Call to Awakening — 25-29 May, 2022 Moojibaba has a wonderful conversation with one of his students who expresses and shares his understanding in a very practical and down to earth way. This interaction touches and inspires us to use his pointings with the same level of earnestness. “The whole essence of the spiritual search is to go beyond the limitations of personhood. To recognize that which is effortless within itself. And it is here! It is not one millimetre away from you. When I can speak with you like this I am very happy to see how natural that recognition can be." Online Weekend Retreat 20 January 2022 ~ If you would like to support the sharing of Satsang, you can donate here: #Mooji #satsang #spirituality #advaita #nonduality #awakening