Channel: Ozturk MotionPictures
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: lovebridedestinationweddingcinematographerdlogcinematographyredsonyparissonya7siiisony50mmweddingcinematographyhochzeitsfilmmarriageweddingdugundernek50mmslog3gmastercolorgradingweddingphotographerhochzeitdjiair2sdugunfranceweddingfashion
Description: We shot en create this amazing video for our couple Ceren and Melih. It was a beautiful day in Paris, en we try to make the best we could. We used a different style and used the Sony A7s mark 3, with 3 different lenses. The video was captured in 4K 25p, and 100p. We hope that you will enjoy it.