Channel: Spanish With Paul
Category: Education
Tags: spanishlearnspanishwithpaullessonspanishwithpaul.comto missbeginner spanish coursespanish for beginnersextrañarbeginnersspanish lessonscourseverbslearn spanish verbstutorialspanish verbsbeginner spanish verbsclass
Description: Learn how to say "you miss someone" in Spanish, these are perfect lessons for beginners or anyone still struggling to put a sentence together! DOWNLOAD THE COURSE BOOKS: MINI COURSES: MONDAY LESSON SERIES: Hi everyone, Paul here :) Today I'm going to "spread the love" by teaching you a beautiful verb in Spanish! It's not necessarily a beatiful sounding verb (pronunciation wise) but more because of the sentiment it expresses... to miss someone. Inside the lesson I'll show you a number of different ways you can use it, both conjugated and in it's infinitive form. You'll see that it's actually quite a versatile verb, capable of expressing a wide varitey of different emotional meanings. As always, if you want to hold onto this informaion, you have to use it. So this week try to find ways of working it into your Spanish sentences. It really is the only way to make the transition from short term memory to long term knowledge. Enjoy and see you next Monday, Paul