Channel: Womens Workout Channel
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: squattingbigger butttonesquatsab exercisesbubble buttfit thighstone legbuild thighsbigger legsworkout for womenlower body exercisesstomach exercisesfat lossfit legstone butthome exercisesfat burnbuild inner thighsbutt exerciselegs workoutsquat workoutbutt exercisesexercises for womenlower body workoutthigh workoutbuild legsbutt liftlose stomach fattoning exercisestoned abshome workoutinner thighs
Description: Fitness Model Lucero is showing you a simple home workout you can do to get firm toned abs, a rounder booty, and sexy legs. You do a workout 5-6x a week. Try it!! For the #1 Butt Workout Plan check out: IG: ButtTransformation Lucero IG: